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  • Gwen Anderson created a new event

    Glowforge Acadamy

    Glowforge classes can teach you how to use a Glowforge laser printer, including how to set it up, clean it, and use design software:

    Learn how to use the Glowforge safely, including cleaning, software, cutting materials, and settings. You'll need a laptop or tablet that can connect to the int...
    Glowforge classes can teach you how to use a Glowforge laser printer, including how to set it up, clean it, and use design software:

    Learn how to use the Glowforge safely, including cleaning, software, cutting materials, and settings. You'll need a laptop or tablet that can connect to the internet.

    Glowforge for Beginners
    Learn how to set up the Glowforge, connect ventilation, and make your first print. You'll also learn how to work with different materials, such as wood, acrylic, metal, stone, and fabric. The course also covers design software, such as Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape.
    7th Jan, 2025
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